Ballet dancing is a form of art that has been around from the times of King Louis XIV, it has been perfected through the ages and is now considered one of the most beautiful and classy dance forms in the world. It has made names like the Danish Royal Ballet or the American Ballet Theatre famous around the world. The fluid graceful ballet moves of the ballerinas have captured the hearts of millions worldwide and have created passions in the hearts of children and elders alike. Ballet has even influenced fashion and shoe design (many shoes today are molded from the form of the ballet pointe shoes. Ballet now is comprised of classical ballet, neoclassical ballet and contemporary ballet, there are slight differences between them like the position of the left arm or right arm during certain dance moves but the basis is common. Ballet is also considered a doorway to culture, mainly towards the musical side as classical music is almost always used when dancing.
Ballet is a difficult dance to learn, which requires great mobility and grace. Even though there is no official limit of age at which you can take up ballet parents usually take their kids to ballet lessons at very young ages because of said requirements. It is much easier for a child to learn ballet at young age because in our youth it is much easier for us to become used to the graceful motion and ballet moves. Some people argue that the best age for starting ballet is between six and eight years old but some dancers start even at four.
The ballet instructor acts as a guide for the young ones, working on their attitude and demeanor, on their grace and posture. Always make sure your child will be in a good environment, so he can learn as much as he can, and in the future to perform at the best level he will be able to achieve. Don't let him be overstrained as injuries often happen in ballet if you are not careful, the feet and body are subject to a lot of stress while practicing ballet moves like the arabesque and others.
All the ballet moves originate from the five basic ballet positions, these are the simplest stances in ballet allow the dancer to start any movement. For example the first position is used preceding certain steps, the second and fourth positions are used usually before a leap or a mid-air split, while the fifth position is used for strong turning motions like a pirouette. In ballet one's control over one's body is critical, even keeping your toes aligned can make a difference in the success of ballet moves.
Having your child attend ballet lessons and learn ballet moves, even if not to achieve performance in the domain, can be a great way to awaken his interest in culture and also to develop his body and grace to levels that will come in handy and will be appreciated in later years.
For more information on Ballet moves CLICK HERE
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