Friday, June 11, 2010

So you think you can dance?

You've been taking dance lessons, or you've been thinking of taking dance lessons while watching some dance videos on YouTube in order to see what you are up against. You make an appointment at a dance studio, or find an independent instructor and take a few lessons. Your teacher says you should come to a dance social and try out your new skills, but you are just not sure you have enough steps/rhythm/grace/confidence quite yet. How do you know when you are ready to show your moves to the world?

Well, first of all, let me assure you - you will never feel ready! Sorry. Not going to happen. Period. Unless you are one of those happy-go-lucky types that will try just anything and maintain a positive attitude, even if he or she falls on their face, you will never feel that you are completely ready.

Depressing? Wait! It gets worse! No matter how long you have been dancing, and even if you give up your career for professional dancing and devote hours a day to it, you will not feel ready to go out and show your moves to the public! EVER.

So what do you do? You go out there anyway! This is what professionals have to deal with all the time. Think for a second, what would you do if you had an important presentation at work tomorrow, but you just did not feel 100% ready. You'd probably stay up late and cram, but in the end, you'd go into the meeting and give the presentation, right?

Dancing works the same way. You just have to do it. It may not go smoothly from start to end. You may have a couple of moments when you have no idea what your partner is doing, or which dance is playing, and wish you stayed home instead. But remember, your first time, at anything, only happens that one time, and once it is over, your second time is bound to go much more smoothly! So take the leap, do the steps, and get lost in the rhythm!

For more information about Ballroom and Latin dance lessons, social dancing, dance pictures, videos, links and more, visit me at and on

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